The Long Hike on The War Trail 18

Stability is a very fair dream

2 thoughts on “The Long Hike on The War Trail 18

  1. At the time of writing this: it’s been about over half a year from taking a break from social media due to anxiety, although something about the comic in certain ways has helped in relatable familiarity.
    I remember we haven’t actually properly spoken or at least not in a proper conversation format and memory tends to be a constant struggle, although whilst I have formerly went by “PA90” that fragment of youth is best left in the past.
    Started reading about a month/few weeks or so ago, and a fair bit has in certain ways helped emotionally. Partly in the numbing clarity of one’s mind, and how it expresses things that I retain consistent lucid dreams of with things of my own. Except in this case it’s Drekir, instead of Voderai.
    In the past few week I’ve found myself to be busy and distracted intertwined. Uncertain about how things have been in the OOPs community, and I’d guess there’s some anticipation for the YingFortress mod, although I’ve found myself multitasking with various others mods which happens to include a DF DragonScape mod.
    Though in relation to various things: I’ve been feeling more like I’m “searching for myself” more than anything, which granted that I’m genderfluid: dysphoria’s a likely factor, although back to the dreaming: I’ve felt more comfortable as Avenkyr Pakacit, and my dreams which of themself forsake sleep: has long acted as a comfort zone.
    Anyways: not entirely sure why I’m writing this, if anything hopefully it can be reconciliation for my own self and whatever state of mind I’ve been long experiencing.
    The comic expresses my feelings and in part views more than I’m capable of expressing myself.

    1. You know I can relate with exhaustion, burnout, and depression about the social media landscape and what it seemingly does to people. Its a rather alienating thing. It’s one of the reasons I decided to take my tech illiterate ass out to make this comic site thanks to some recommendations from a few artists I really look up to and respect.

      And I am glad to hear it’s helped you emotionally, to be honest I draw it as a way of coping well enough with my own emotional, life, and personal problems! So I am glad to hear it’s helped someone else as well.

      As for the OOP community, I know Val and a handful of other folks within that whole community but I don’t keep much of a specific eye on what’s going on within it, but Yingfortress sounds ilke a good mod.

      Really curious to see a DragonScape mod! That sounds pretty awesome! I don’t play Dwarf Fortress but that would likely drag me in (I am drek brained what can I say?)

      And hey good to hear you’ve been searching and seemingly finding yourself! Very good to hear, Best wishes in everything workin out with your identity and gender identity. Dysphoria can be a painful thing from what I understand, I hope you get through it and find yourself in there. If you need an ear to yap into I got mine and they still work well!

      Be well and i wish you the best on your journey!

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