A Different Trail: Always a Broncen

The Drekir of Star Den were both shocked and elated to see Hiker, Forl, and Ralan all come back… with a dragon of Paradise and were quick to officially welcome them back into their community. Though that excitement turned to horror as Hiker recounted what happened in the Mountains, and the trauma and nightmares that The Dragon’ve Paradise had left in its wake and how many memories they had lost. In spite of Spurs best efforts, the idols they had prepared seemingly did nothing for her. Shaking him and his role as the pasyer’ve paradise to its core.
But that didn’t stop the Broncens of Star, through thick and thin they did everything they could to help hold Hiker up, many months of long nights riddled with the nightmare filled yelps and wimpers and many days just being there for Hiker to help them through the hollowest and worst of days. Over time she began to slowly do better, held together by the love of her den and her home she started piecing what was left of herself back together.
Years began to pass and, seemingly, The Dragon’ve Paradise had left them in peace, eventually Hiker would take on a new name, Riyat, thanks to her knack for fishing with her trusted throwyer. As the 5th year passed by she would regularly be found planting potatoes, spearing fish, and lounging with her denmates in relative peace, save for the occasional teal steel that wandered through in the early spring. Though she always kept a nervous eye towards the cattails near the rivers, never sure if she was being watched or not.

So yeah a positivish ending for the last Different Trail

This one assumes that, after The Dragon of Paradise, instead of going to the Perrineans, Hiker and Forl instead tentatively settled to go back home after such a traumatizing event and that that would be where they would remain, never quite sure whether or not Shõlresa would pull them into the mountains again or not. But regardless she would still settle in as a beloved and supported member of the Star Den, and the broader Broncen community.

A Different Trail: Always a Broncen

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