The Otgoloks are a strange exception to the pattern that every colonial human power lived by time and time again. They were the harbingers of the true collapse of human civilization that, over centuries dulled in their extremist ideologies, eventually arriving into the dragonscape not to purposefully exploit the natural resources, but by accidentally migrating into the DragonScape and later founding various settlements. Unlike the rest of humanitys colonial efforts strangely, they would be the only human group to outlast Jallher’s stand and the 3rd Panic. Though they weren’t ever a colonial power, they are a society of humans who would settle a decently large amount in the DragonScape, and would be the only one of all human colonial groups to have a united cultural identity past the point of Jallher’s Stand, even if by that point it’s not recognizeably Otgolok nor human.
The Pulse Collapse Period: 2020-2055
After the onset of the pulse that consumed the Americas in 2020, there would rise mass social unrest and economic instability. Much of this social unrest across the world would settle and consolidate into the form of countless extremist groups people across the world. Some of these were born as religious or ideological cults that sought to explain and understand the world, and others that were born from political radicalization caused by the following decades of social unrest and the collapse of many world trade networks. Many of these groups however would be a mix of political and economically born extremism and religious, often apocalyptic cult like religious movements.
There is no better example of this than отголоски.
зов отголоски/ zov otgoloski, meaning “The Call of World” or “The Call of Echoes”, depending on who you ask. There is no one origin point for this religious and political movement, as it’s rather a rapid consolidation of many different religious beliefs, political ideas, and conspiracies that were borne from the early 2020s in Russia as a pile built of a myriad of reactions to the Pulse that consumed the Americas. While in the first few years of the decade it wasn’t exactly a cohseive movement it had slowly coalesced into a loosely connected belief system adopted by millions of Russians and a not small number of Mongolians. Each region of Russia had it’s own well known demagogues and prophets and leaders of these movements, each slightly varied in it’s messages and ideas. Though amongst most f these early Otgolok cults you would find a similarish throughline:
"We, the people of this earth have witnessed the wrath of our transcendant, rageful and still immanent god/gods. They have grown tired of the waste of the peoples of our world and are starting to wipe the slate clean. Our corrupt government does nothing but feed it's own pigs, speeding up this cycle as do all the gluttonous pigs of the world, if we do not do something then God/ The Gods will and anything we do will pale in comparison to the fate held by the Americans."
The specific name of this god or gods varied on each individual group, with the most common word associated being “Adonai”, though it varies. Generally these early Otgoloks believed that the Americas being consumed by the Pulse was the first strike of a divine entity tired of the failings of humanity and, slowly and painfully, was ripping it all apart. A lot of the blame for this was put onto the elites of the world, be they Russian or otherwise. This would also be combo’d by a myriad of other conspiracies, such as the Russian government summoning various demons who sowed chaos and that the elite of the world were ruining the world trade to send resources to themselves. Amongst a massive and varied mountain of beliefs.
In the early 2020s the Otgoloks were generally mocked, derided and laughed out of the room as rediculous. Though slowly they continued to gai more followers, particulary from the poor and disenfranchised. Slowly followers within media would radicalize even more. And by the mid 2020s the Otgoloski movement could be found in one form or another across much of Russia, often calling for a violent purge of the corrupt aristocracies of governments around the world, including Russias. In 2026 the Russian government would fail in a desperate invasion of Eastern Europe and lost much of what remained of the publics faith at the time. Beginning in the late 2020s Otgolok adherents became increasingly aggressive and militant. After several high profile terror incidents, two bombings and one shooting near or within government buildings across Russia, the Government would begin to crack down on the Otgolok movement viciously and militantly.
Though rather than stop the movement it increased it. Dead demagogues became martyrs, the worsening economic and social liberties of Russia prompted more to adopt Otgoloski, and the vicious crackdowns brought down by the Russian Government spawned increasingly militant reprisals from the many Otgolok groups of the country. This seemingly endless cycle of terror attacks, government crackdowns, and further deprivations of civil rights would intensify into the 2030s.
Increasingly though Otgoloks began to creep into positions of power within the Russian Military and government, people who kept their beliefs quiet rising the ranks into more delicate positions, an increasingly large demographic of otgoloks in the military, and keys to dangerous buttons falling in the hands of militant radicals…
The Desolation of Russia
In 2038 a key leader of the increasingly united otgolok movement, Olga Bebanin would be grievously wounded and captured by the Russian military, her fate one of public torture and execution from a secure, televised location. This execution would, at long last tilt the decades of terror and violence into an outright apocalyptic insurrection that is known as The Desolation of Russia.
There was no individual uprising necessarily, but it was a decentralized uprising done by hundreds of Otgolok chapters and terror cells. Tens of thousands of soldiers from the Russian armed forces deserted to the Otgoloks and for weeks mass violence consumed Western Russia, with the major cities of Eastern Russia becoming overthrown. Within this time a larger Otgolok revolutionary force would converge onto Moscow, beginning the Battle of Moscow. After an intense several months of total warfare though, the Otgoloks were slowly worn and beaten back by the Russian military and by anti-otgolok militias. Though as the tides of conflict turned, members of the Otgolok movement in many regions would kick into gear the fruits of decades of gradual infiltration into the Russian Government, infrastructure and military.
First all 38 nuclear power plants within Russia would be brought into deliberate meltdowns, wrought by sabotage, and afterwards a handful of Otgoloks, either through infiltration or through violently overtaking military faciltiies, would get a hold of and control of many of Russias nuclear weapons. With many deeming Russia to be a lost cause and for it to be the time to rip apart the worlds elite, would fire Russian nuclear missiles into the heavily populated regions of western Russia.
32 Nuclear warheads of various sizes would crater western Russia, in a mere few days annihilating Russia as a nation state and plunging the Human world into a cascading disaster. Nuclear fallout spread throughout the word, plunging it into a 2 years long nuclear winter, ecological collapses would consume much of Northern Eurasia, Eastern Europe, and the Caucuses. Western Russia itself would be burned and torn into a bare, blasted heath of a nuclear wasteland uninhabitable to most life.
This event would also directly lead to the collapse of Eastern and Central Europe, due to the rush of nuclear fallout, ecological collapse, and the surge of Russian refugees and Otgolok extremists fleeing the nuclear desolation. the world would take centuries to recover from the drastic impacts of this event and would go on to shape the rise of human hegemonic powers in later decades and centuries.
After the Desolation of Russia you would see a mass fragmentation of the Otgolok movement, many fleeing into other parts of the World and causing new problems within those regions, the largest population though, only amounting to about 15,000 surviving otgoloks and russian survivors, would flee Easterward past the Ural Mountains, where they would mix with the many indigenous peoples of the region and over the next century, fade into obscurity. The two largest settling populations of Otgoloks would settle and mix into the Taimyr, with the Ngannassan and Dolgan peoples, with another group making the exodus to Kamchaika.
The Pre Colonial Period 2056-2156
Not much can be said about the Otgoloks in this period, generally as the movement more or less collapsed and splintered after the Desolation of Russia, Though over the rest of the 21st century and the beginning of the 22nd a long transition would begin for the Otgoloks. They were forced to learn to survive in a post nuclear Siberia and Circumpolar Russia, with many dying and those who did survive adopting the lifestyle of and mixing culturally with the many indigenous peoples of Eastern Russia.
This of course led to an increasingy fragmented identity of the otgoloks as religious, cultural, and linguistic traditions would slowly shift and warp amongst the various survivors and descendants of survivors, often away from the more extreme and militant otgolok beliefs of the 2030s and towards broader religious belief systems that would begin to vary amongst otgolok groups. At this point it’s easier to understand the Otgoloks not as a political movement or ideology, but more as a general demographic shared by a vast and varied series of descendant tribal and band societies living within Eastern Russia. some became nomadic reindeer pastoralists or hunter-gatherers and others would settle small communities on the russian coasts, fishing for a living. But generally none of these descendant otgolok groups would be easily recognizeably Russian culturally, at least not at first glance.
Moreover Northern Eurasia by the turn of the 22nd century had become one of the most isolated regions of the planet. Isolated from the west due to the vast nuclear wastelands that were once western Russia and isolated from the south by a vast number of Chinese and Mongolian warlord states, and isolated on the East by the Chiming Haze created by the Pulse long ago. This immense isolation, after enough time would create an environment not even that too far removed from how many drekir societies would come to live in the DragonScape, though with more iron metallurgical industries.
By the time the Otgoloks would discover the DragonScape, they wouldn’t really be Russians but rather a complex and varied ethnic group comprised of many tribal networks, nomadic bands, and cultural and linguistic traditions.
First Entrance into the DragonScape
Unlike most human societies, the Otgoloks would never come to know of the SEAC operator Oliver Ikaika and their confirmed entrance into the DragonScape, nor were there any large organized attempmts to colonize the dragonscape by anyone north of China. Rather the Otgolok migration into Alaska was a disorganized and often accidental entrance as fishermen accidentally began to disappear beind the Chiming Haze instead of being resonated apart by the sheer force of it.
As Most of these far northeastern peoples would have become deeply accustomed to the normal behavior of the Chiming Haze by this point, this will have prompted more informal expeditions of people sailing over to see for themselves. So it’s hard to put a date on the first Otgolok arrival, is it was never any single movement of people though the first arrivals likely happened sometime between 2156 (the earliest possible date any human could have arrived) and 2160. By the end of 2160 (40PA) over 1,000 Otgoloks had made the journey onto the frigid coasts of Alaska.
Most of these ships would have been simple vessels and most all of them would land along the northwestern coasts of Alaska, now the coldest region of the DragonScape earthen Plana. For many of these people, lacking mana protective equipment, õndemic influence and consequent drekification would settle in almost immediately. Many would melt and reform into drekir prior to landing on the shore and all others would often drekify within 3 days of their arrival.
These Otgolok settlers would make first contact with many of the local drekir societies such as the Kobuk and Alut cultures which would lead to a variety of mixed responses, some were hostile and others were tense and some were altruistic. Though after a few years of many independent efforts of crossing large linguistic barriers, negotiations, and informal agreements between the many drekir clans, dens and tribes and the otgolok settlers, land would be given to the Otgoloks on the northern coasts of Alaska. By the beginning of the 50sPA several struggling but surviving Otgolok communities would be founded.
The Colonial Period 40PA-92PA (2160-2212AD)
While the first decade was tense, due to the struggling cold blooded foreign drekir that populated otgolok communities and the local Alut and Kobuk drekir generally having to go out of their way to help them, the Otgoloks would settle into a relative peace and cooperation amongst the various other cultures of Alaska, becoming more aquainted with the Angit drekir and the civilly unstable sivilão õfuth of Ikõnulton. Much like the prior decades up till 73PA the Otgoloks would live as a fishing culture. As they learned how to better survive the specific challenges of the dragonscape with local aid and as new generations began to be laid that would grow up as arctic warm blooded drekir rather than the cold blooded foreign drekir, life would get easier. Though in 73PA A large chaotic conflicct would consume the Alaskan Peninsula would drag all the cultures of the region into it, including the Otgoloks.
Scrapit at Tookil Nesgal
Generally referred to commonly amongst the Alaskan drekir of many cultures as “Scrapit at tookil nesgal” or “The War that took all dens”. It was broadly an event in which the drãlkir and ormer of Ikõnulton, who had been locked with the mavõtur and prejag in centuries of disagreement over how to handle human ruins, had decided to coordinate and do the job themselves to uphold Fim Ëodin, with many warbands surging across Alaska. This sudden outbreak of conflict would sweep up many different groups of Alaska, over the next 2 years various battles would rage until the Scrap of Mcki, in which a mixed confederated group of Kobuks, Otgoloks, Angit, and Farbans would defeat one of the largest of the Rebellious sivilão warbands, causing a general collapse of sivilão cohesion and a retreat back into the Õfuth.
It was after this particular war that the Otgoloks would more fully settle into the region and a fully accepted as a respected peoples by the rest of the local drekir.
Jallher’s Stand and the 3rd Panic
Throughout the colonial period, there would be a small trickle of Otgoloks from Northeastern Eurasia into the Alaskan region, with most settling into the local Otgolok communities, themselves slowly shifting in cultural identity. By the time of Jallhers Stand in 92PA (2212AD) most of the younger drekir would refer to themselves culturally as Oglonlots or Oglonamrits, or as the most common name, Oglolotics.
The Oglolotics are very much a culture descendant from, but not really with much left in common with the Otgoloks still living in Northeastern Eurasia, particularly as all potential cultural interactions ended with the beginning of Jallhers Stand.
As Jallher all the way in Mount Aconcagua would fight to the bitter end against the combined militaristic and nuclear might of SEAC, the ICC. As Jallher killed millions Alaska, would remain relatively unaffected even throughout the beginning of the 3rd Panic.
During the 3rd Panic, as the Balãr would target and annihilate human colonial groups across the entirety of the DragonScape, none of the Balãr of Alaska, neither Inül nor the wandering Drulibu would eye the Oglolotic drekir with much scruinty, percieving them both as not a threat and aout as local as any of the other drekir of the region. So even while thousands of humans and colonial drekir would be annihilated by the rage of hundreds of Balãr, the Oglolotics would quietly transition into the Late Awakening Period. The only notable change being the intensification of the Chiming Haze entirely cutting the Oglolotic peoples off from the Otgoloks of Eurasia. Throughout the Late Post Awakening period (92PA-150PA) they would continue to transition and slowly move on and forget their prior human roots, with what was left of said roots falling into cosmology, myth, and legend.
The Oglolotics probably deserve their own entry into the Drekir Societies of the Dragonscape as, for the decades up to 100PA and after, they wouldn’t be really discernably a colonial group. They are better described as settlers, made up of the descendants of post nuclear russians and the many many indigenous peoples of northern Eurasia. Arguably the most successful of any human colonial effort in the DragonScape.