Thanks to Dewo on discord for the question!

First of course I want to be cautious with “Civilization” as it’s a bit of a loaded term. If I can put on my arrogant little powdered wig and monocle, is a civilization just another way of saying a society? Or is it some sort of culturally relative xenith of complex social development? At least for me I tend to just lean on civilization meaning society with extra steps.
The Yamomami, Hadze, Taino, Lakota and Nganasans to me are just as much Civilizations as the Mycenaeans, Egyptians, Incans, Khmer and Songhai. So really I would see this more as societies I want to talk about.
There are of course maaaany I have talked about on the DragonScape discord over the course of 6 years oh my god I am getting too old. The Cydonians and Godeaux, as well as the Bufa, Chocadene Scrãeler and Yutlengit. The Cedunla protocity of Aguk and more of the Dorer, Javaso and Põga… like damn I really wish I could dedicate 24 hours a day to rambling about different societies and while I have over many years, it’s not exactly easy to just pick one.
Really my interests drift and my focuses drift month to month on what I want to show off and talk about. These days I often think more of the people of Logáu than Suyu (Americas) as a lot of the cultures in Suyu are cultures that have existed since the Original version of the setting back in 2018-2020! Many of which have showed up in The Long Hike.
Just on the comic alone
The Seattlens are as old as 2020, the Scorchers are about as old as 2020 as well, the Broncens were the Kunans of 2018, the Dakoner are a culture i wrote in 2019, The Fisherdrakes and Winnebagons are from 2018, The Cydonians and Godeaux are also from 2018 as well as the Caminantes and Guardiões da mina.
The Reality is I kinda wanna find excuses to show off all of them, as well as other cultures from other timelines! But the sad part of that reality is that I am just one person and I cannot cover each and every one of those societies. I can say that most of the cultures I’ve written and a few other folks have written will likely show up in The Long Hike at least at some point or another provided I can make it to them. But in the meantime I will have to work with as many as I can afford the time energy and health to depict.
It’s just kinda one of those sad realities, I wish I had infinite time and energy to draw every single society/civilization of the dragonscape and if I had to pick one I would always just pick all of them at the same time.
To some extent thats why I try my best to leave the lore open for other folks to establish their own planar provided they stick to the baseline foundational aspects and “rules” of the DragonScape. Even if things were still just confined to the post apocalyptic Americas I would not ever be able to fill it completely with detailed cultures and peoples, and so it can only make sense to me to allow other folks to offer their own concepts of peoples and places and planar to help fill out the setting should they desire, as well as hash out their own little drek place and their own little drek civilizations.
Perhaps not the most satisfying answer, but yeah I really can’t pick any individual one, I always wanna talk about all of them all the time. So for better or worse I hope that answers that!