Thanks to Hexaract from the DragonScape Discord for the question!
Well, you know honestly I have no clue. The Awakening as a specific event is intentionally hard to pin down. I don’t think I can say that there was any drek that woke up first across the whole of the DragonScape, let alone who they were or what they said. The Awakening is not something that happened with everyone waking up exactly at the same time, nor something in which there was one individual who woke up first. Rather it was rapid “batches” of drekir awakening over the course of a day, millions awoke in the dark, others at the dawn, and some in the afternoon. Meanwhile drekir appeared with the souls of prepulse americans all over, from the familiar Americas to the strange but understandable Logáu, to potentially thousands of other planar. So chances are there were millions of drekir waking up around the same time.
I imagine whoever was the first person to wake up, no doubt it would have been something to the effect of “Oh what the fuck is this!?”
As for where? Again there is no way to know for sure. But I suppose if someone wants to write that “first drek to awake ever”, even if by a margin of a second or two, then that someone can have fun with it! Not a perspective I think even technically exists, but it could be a fun concept.
Regardless my apologies for not giving a better answer,