The Celeste and Planar, Õndemic Space.

The DragonScape is quite the massive space, somewhere between a galactic to universal size and scale as a matter of fact. But of course the Celeste is no space and the celestial bodies within it are no planets. So lets cover some aspects of that! Expect a fair number of Thalmvaric age drawings here, as it’s kinda the “space age”. It’s a bit inevitable to use them here.

The Celeste: The Endless Skies

The Celeste is the õndemic version of “space”, even if that comparison may not be entirely fair as it is really far more akin to an eternal sky. The space between planar is in fact often (though not always) breathable, and filled with all sorts of signs of life. From localized fields of gravity, breathable atmospheres, and even solar system sized expanses of water known as celestial seas. It is a place where deep wind currents lightyears long slowly wind through the universe, spurring weather and climate onto the myriad planar. All that said however, there are areas, particularly further away from the planar where more dangerous anomalies, a lack of air, and extreme mana anomalies. So while it can be very hospitable in some places, it can be incredibly dangerous in others.

A large portion of the celeste rotates forever around the two most powerful balãr of the setting, Sologa and Sila. Sologa being a great bal who functions as a sun itself the size of a solar system, both holding the planar in its orbit and warming them with its celestial light. While there are other star like entities made of other balãr, mana anomalies, or other magical sources of heat in light in the Celeste, many planar see their mornings and evenings thanks to the light of Sologa. Sila is a great bal from whom all celestial wind currents start, blowed forth from it’s nostrils across the celeste for eternity.

For most of the history of the DragonScape, traversing beyond ones planar through the celeste would be mostly impossible. The earliest expeditions would happen in the 8th millennia post awakening thanks to complex sailboats with void sails designed to propel vessels that could transport peoples through the celestial seas connecting planar. That simple manner being how the first contact between Suyun (American) and Logaún dragons would make their first acquaintance. Eventually during the Draconic Golden Age, Celestial sailboats, simply called Celestial Ships, would revolutionize travel throughout the Celeste. Even in the massive technological decline in the aftermath of the Human-Thalmvaric war and the onset of the Thalmvaric Age, Dragonkind would still traverse through the Celeste through the now ancient designs of Celestial ships. The Celeste itself can support life, with many celestial seas and smaller landmasses being host to often strange and distinct life forms, even éldimor dragons and planarial life can survive in the Celeste effectively, given some ingenuity. Though up until the Thalmvar such a way of life is elusive to dragonkind.

Planar: Drifting Continents of the Celeste

Planar (Plana singular) are the celestial landmasses that float across the resonant fabric of the Celeste, with there being hundreds to thousands, or even millions of planar across the whole of the Dragonscape. The size of any given plana of course will vary, some planar are as small as a large island, such as something similar in size to Greenland. On the other hand there are planar that are as large or even larger than super continents such as Pangea, with some even having a land area equal to the total surface area of a whole planet. Each plana likewise is it’s own distinct landmass, thankfully most can be rather comparable to Earth, with some degree of plant life and animal life, water, weather patterns, and at least some sort of potential to sustain life at least somewhere on the plana. There are of course planar that are also considerably more alien and strange. The specific climates of planar likewise don’t just vary plana to plana, but also regionally within those planar, with their climates and weather patterns varying depending on the celestial currents that blow over them, amongst many other factors.

During Jãrsta/The Pulse, the Sivilão diáspora would come to get scattered across the Planar of the DragonScape and, in the aftermath of the Awakening 100 years after, so too would the Americans caught in the original pulse. There are many planar therefore that would come to be inhabited by various remnants of the prepulse worlds, be they sivilão or once human in origin. Of course the amount of sapient life on any given plana will vary, though there is rarely more than 100 Million dragons across any given plana, and that number can be less than 100 people total. Some planar are even entirely bereft of éldimor life entirely. It varies.

The landscapes of those planar, and even sometimes highly specific anomalies that affect the skies, ground, etc. will also vary plana to plana. The plana may be a vast archipelago of islands that rapidly shift in their celestial sea, or like Logáu, there may be a sea above the plana affecting the times of day. A plana could see anything from blasted heaths of resonant voicelakes, to vast deserts, jungles and forests, to vast lands of rocky expanses, to fungal steppes and forests, or anything between or even weirder. It’s a whole universe of continents out there!

To Read About Some Planar, once i get the time to write em out, Here are some Upcoming planar entries

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