Mirmil: La Mirada de Peõksemg

(Pronounced Meer-Mil)
Mutiliated, and drowned in eternal pains perhaps worse than most balãr, Mirmil would flee into it’s own imperfect pocket dimension to escape prying eyes… watching those who wind up in it’s domain, waiting for them to blink.

The Butchered Warden of Peõksemg

It’s important to remember the sheer physical and metaphysical damage that had happened to the raddir that were sundered from their fold of reality. For all of them, they suffer eternal pains in many ways, though the mutilation of what would become Mirmil would leave it particularly scarred. It would become a being which saw itself as so ravaged, butchered and torn apart from the pull of the Pulse that it would desperately burrow into reality in an effort to flee the prying eyes of mortal and immortal alike. This realm would eventually turn into a small, yet indefinitely sized pocket dimension that Mirmil would come to refer to as Peõksemg. But those in Central Mexico, who would often find themselves eventually falling into the realm incidentally. Would come to simply refer to the hellish realm as ‘La Tierraniebla’, the Fog land.

The Gaze of those who Gazed

If there is one thing that Mirmil will not abide are those beings, be they drek, bal, mavõt or man, who dare to gaze upon it in it’s own hidden realm. So for those who gaze upon its mutilated form, no matter who they are, their fate is sealed. Their body will be taken apart molecule by molecule and rebuilt to serve Mirmil as a part of it’s ever growing swarm of eyes that slither across the mana blasted heath of Peõksemg. Those eyes gazing and trailing each unfortunate soul to stumble accidentally into the pocket dimension, waiting to see if that new pair of eyes will join the pack. Whether or not those slithering eyes still trap the same poor, damned souls will never truly be clear.

For Those Poor Unfortunate Souls…

For the living beings of the DragonScape, they can incidentally fall into this imperfectly sealed realm in El Bajio of the American plana, Suyu. The rifts into this pocket realm tend to come and go, and so where one person may fall in one day could be safe the next. The only way to discern the safety of a place comes to minute Distortions in reality that even those who know what to look for can miss in certain situations.
So for those who slip into Peõksemg, there is only one simple, though tedious way to escape Mirmil intact.
Close ones eyes, and walk. It does not matter where provided that one walks. Mirmils only concern is that those who come into its realm gaze upon its form or the eyes that it gazes back at them with and, if that trapped soul wishes not to gaze upon nothing and is attempting to leave, eventually Mirmil will oblige and they will manifest again in the physical world.
As many people in Central México died learning this, in many of the various cultural groups, clans and tribes of the region a common type of religious figure would begin to take form throughout the decades. These people, known as Caminantes, Cegados, Andantes, Ahiucyú, amongst other names, are often religious figures who intentionally enter and wander Peõksemg for religious purposes or to rescue those who remain unintentionally trapped within la Tierraniebla. These religious figures are often heralded as folk heroes amongst these people.

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