The Lore of the DragonScape

The DragonScape is a personal worldbuilding project and the setting of the Long Hike comic that captures the stories of the once human peoples of the Americas turned to the drekir through apocalyptic pulse and their new lives scattered across the americas amongst dozens of other lands across their new reality. This website should function as a way of keeping and compiling lore together both to help newcomers learn the basics of the setting while also conglomerating information that will help deepen the lore for those who already know the basics of the setting.

Just start by opening up The DragonScape Lore section of the site and feel free to get reading!

If you are new to everything it might be good to check out The Basics page to get a good basic overview of everything. And if you want to know more then feel free to explore deeper into the Website as you wish! Not everything is done on this website and to be honest there is a lot to type, it may take a long while to finish everything if at all! But I hope you enjoy your time here.

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