The DragonScape Wildlife Index!

The Wildlife of the Dragonscape is varied beyond description, perhaps the only thing someone can say is that there aren’t any mammals! So this page is meant to provide a sort of Index for at least some of them, as well as a more general explanation. For the Index head to the bottom of this page! but lets get on the general information. Important first to cover the differences of Õndemification vs Draconic Mutation


When the Pulse hit the americas, many animals were Õndemified, meaning that they were transformed from their original species into a species that already existed in Õndemic reality. The most classic example is humans being turned to drekir! But this process had happened to many animals, particularly prepulse mammals. Usually they wind up becoming something similar but still quite drastically different. Prepulse pack animals usually become some õndemic pack animals of a similar size and intelligence as an example. Though often these paradigms can’t be made 1 to 1 (Cows became giant snails for example…) But its about the closest equivalent possible

Draconic Mutation

Draconic mutation, on the otherhand, is when an animal doesn’t become a wholly different species, but rather simply mutates to become more Õndemic/Draconic. This can involve becoming larger and more magical, seeing dramatic or mild anatomical changes, or other such mutations from the prepulse species. This is a particularly common fate of Birds (Wyrms) as well as amphibians, fish, insects, and other non mammalian animals.

Native Õndemic Life

Particularly outside of the American plane, there is also life that was already living in the Õndemic planar, often unique to those specific planar (though not always), there are still plenty of animals that survived the Pulse and have continued on well enough!

The Õndemic Wildlife Index

Bulver Lindir Klangur

Skrimír Tirndar


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